Easiest Way to Upload Images for Clients

Sharing your images with clients is an important aspect of a photography business. You should strive to appear professional and show your work in the best light. But what'south the best mode to share photos with clients?

There are many excellent apps to assist yous display your work, which will pb to more than sales.

Read on about the solutions that can help yous display, share and deliver images. We encompass various cost points, including costless resource.

10 photo grid showing different compositions for yoghurt product composition[Note: ExpertPhotography is supported by readers. Product links on ExpertPhotography are referral links. If you use one of these and purchase something, we make a petty bit of money. Need more info? See how information technology all works here.]

What You Need to Consider When Sharing Photos

Before you can share your photos, you demand to decide what your goal is. Do you lot desire your portrait client to choose their favourite images from a photograph gallery?

Or practice you want to make an impression on your commercial clients? Do they need to view images in loftier resolution? And do you want them to be able to download the images directly?

Your intentions will make a difference in the tools you lot choose.

When because commitment options, yous should consider file size and space. If y'all need to send an agency a lot of PSD files, the files will exist large and will demand an advisable solution. This will come at a cost.

Most DSLRs take a loftier megapixel count. The popular Catechism 5D Mark Four has a 30.4-megapixel sensor. The Canon 5DS offers l.half dozen megapixels. The photo details you can get are incredible. But it comes at the cost of cumbersome files. Files with such high resolution are more taxing to store and deliver.

Have the end-user in mind when deciding on a file-sharing platform. If the images are only for social media, then minor files are best. Instagram and Facebook accept optimal file sizes requirements. They compress images that are too large, discarding unnecessary data.

If yous're sharing images that are very big on web platforms, they'll cause the page to load more slowly. This results in poor user retentivity and SEO. Your clients will find it annoying that they have to wait long for your photograph gallery to load.

A girl tying on a laptop


Pixieset is a popular awarding that has both free and paid-for features. For many photographers, the free version is enough to conform their needs.

It offers a secure mode to evangelize high-quality photo galleries. And yous have sharing options for clients. You can let clients to download the images with a 4-digit PIN number.

You'll as well get a notification when the client has picked their favourites. Or if they've downloaded a gallery.

Clients can pick their favourites from the gallery past clicking on a small-scale icon on the image. This is a very helpful feature. Pixieset volition too notify you when the clients have fabricated selects.

Finally, i cracking bonus of Pixieset is the Lightroom plug-in.

screenshot of the pixieset website for sharing photos with clients


The Swiss-based Prodibi is the Cadillac of paradigm sharing solutions. This app volition let you to display, embed, and transfer your images in high quality and at full speed.

With the addition of a Capture Ane plug-in, it's a elevation choice amongst professional person photographers. With this plug-in, you lot can get clients' feedback on proofs in full resolution. All done in photograph galleries optimised for web and mobile. Clients can as well download digital files directly.

You can add keywords to your Capture One Catalog or Session. And you can detect faces by age, emotion, historic period, or gender (this feature on Mac just).

You lot tin also update your website or WordPress site directly at full resolution, with razor-sharp zoom.

Displaying images online can sometimes be problematic. Prodibi takes care of all the of import considerations. These include colour management, pinch, formatting, pixel density and responsiveness.

You lot can also build a one-page portfolio. Showcase your work in high quality and full zoom, with no filibuster. Every bit with other apps, there are gratuitous and paid-for options.

Screenshot of Prodibi homepage for sharing photos with clients


Shootproof is an alternative to Pixieset. It allows y'all to showcase your piece of work with beautiful online galleries and slideshows. These should align with your branding and style.

Y'all can upload low or high-resolution photos upwards to 50MB.

A lot of photographers opt for Shootproof. It offers other tools useful to a photography business organisation. These include the ability to sell prints and wall products, create and send contracts. You tin too create professional-looking invoices and build custom discounts.

Like Pixieset, it allows clients to download images. And they tin share them via social media for greater brand exposure.

This a great choice for a retail photography business. For instance, for wedding or personal portrait photographers.

screenshot of the Shootproof website for sharing photos with clients

Google Drive

Many of us are already familiar with Google Bulldoze. You might non have thought of taking advantage of this application to deliver your photos to your clients.

A variety of sharing options are available. Individual files or whole folders can exist shared. Every bit with Dropbox, y'all are able to assign different rights when sharing with them. These include viewing the files only or enabling editing.

Google Drive is easy to utilize. As it'due south suitable for many uses, people forget that it tin exist a powerful paradigm sharing option.

A costless account offers 15GB of storage, just yous tin can upgrade this by paying a monthly or almanac fee with Google Ane.

screenshot of the Google Drive interface


Chances are loftier that you lot are already a Lightroom user. But did you lot know that you use it to evangelize images to clients?

Email isn't always the all-time mode to share photos with clients. Information technology has its limitations. But it can be a nifty way to show clients a modest set of images or show them what you're working on.

You know that Lightroom is a powerful programme for organizing, archiving, and editing your photos. It too has other valuable options built into its workflows.

You choose the images you want to transport while in Filigree view and so right-click and cull >Email Photos.

You tin can then add together an email address and etch a message to get with the images. It's a simple mode of sharing a few photos from the gallery.

screenshot of the lightroom interface


Dropbox is among the most used deject storage services. Several packages are available in regular and business versions.

They first with a free tier that gives ii gigs of storage space. You can upgrade this to 2 or 3TB packages.

The smashing thing about Dropbox is its sharing options. Y'all can share files via a link, which you lot tin can send to an email address.

You can share folders and select whether the recipient can edit or view the contents. This is the all-time fashion for collaborative file sharing

The client tin leave comments. Yous also control whether the client tin add the files to their own Dropbox to share them with others.

screenshot of the Dropbox website


Terashare is based on BitTorrent technology. It's a bit dissimilar than near of the other options out there. This protocol for file transfer has many benefits. These include an automatic resume of downloads and protection confronting file abuse.

Terashare is also great for sharing PSDs or file sharing with several recipients.

You need to install the app for larger files or folders, such as video files.

screenshot of the Terashare website interface


WeTransfer is a super popular platform that allows you to send files for free. The catch is that it offers 2GB per upload max. But you can send files equally frequently equally you like.

What if the amount of data you lot need to send exceeds this limit? You'll need to send your images in batches. Or upgrade to the paid version, WeTransfer Plus.

You lot tin send the files to an e-mail address. Or get a link that yous can embed in a personalized electronic mail. There is an option to send a short message with every e-mail transfer.

For a monthly fee, you tin send 20GB at a time, and store upwardly to 100GB. You lot can customize your transfer emails every bit well.

screenshot of the WeTransfer website to share photos with clients


Boom is a nifty culling to WeTransfer. Especially if you take big files to send. The great news is that Smash is free! You lot don't even demand to annals for an account to use it. Upload your photos, and away yous go.

You lot can e-mail them to a recipient. Or become a sharing link for you to embed in an email or other suitable forms of media.

To use Smash, you lot drag and drib your images onto the Smash logo. In one case your files are uploaded, you can select the length of availability for your files. And whether you lot desire to protect them with a password.

The files are automatically deleted later 14 days. If you lot upgrade to a Premium business relationship, they'll be kept for a year.

screenshot of the Smash website interface to share photos with clients


Hightail allows you to send the large files y'all need as a lensman. Similar many file sharing solutions, information technology offers a free program that allows yous to ship a certain amount of data. In this instance, files upwards to 100MB.

In one case the images have been received, y'all receive a notification, and they get added to your tracker. Hightail provides instant visual previews. And the recipient tin add comments to any file.

This is a great feature for collaborating. Or for obtaining feedback from clients on changes they might want. Hightail allows y'all to send your photos with ease. Drag and drop your images or select them from your computer.

You have control over the content. You likewise have the ability to rails and protect your files and prepare time limits. You lot can also share PDFs, presentations and other forms of media.

Hightail supports a great variety of file formats. Including MOV, PNG, PPT and MP3.

There is a Pro version for a monthly fee that allows you to share files up to 25GB. It also provides extra collaboration features such equally email notifications and tracking.

There are also "Team" and "Business" options. These have greater storage capacity and more features.

screenshot of the Hightail website interface


There are then many applications out there for photographers these days. The awarding you choose volition depend on your needs, the needs of your clients, and even your budget. Many also come with low prices, just 20 dollars here and xv dollars there can add together up.

Take some time to study and compare what these options offering earlier making your selection. You desire to get the virtually bang for your buck and not pay for features that you don't need.

Check out our review on the ShootProof gallery sharing and business organization management tool for photographers.

For more business organization tips, cheque out our eBook – Profit from Portraits!


Source: https://expertphotography.com/best-way-to-share-photos-with-clients/

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