Will Beef in Simmered in Gravy Make It Tender

A perfectly cooked beef joint makes a wonderful centrepiece for a Sunday roast or Christmas dinner. To melt information technology until it's so tender it falls autonomously, you lot'll need to choose a joint like chuck and blade or beef brisket and either braise, slow roast or slow cook information technology for at to the lowest degree a couple of hours.

Choice the right joint of beefiness

You need a articulation with some fatty marbled through it, and ideally some connective tissue as well, to terminate up with meat that hasn't stale out by the time it's tender and falling apart.

When roasted, the collagen and connective tissue present in meat will starting time to break down. It will melt more thoroughly if slow-roasted, and if you add liquid, it will intermission down even more apace as information technology's water soluble. Older animals have stronger connective tissue, so you need to have this into business relationship when deciding on your timings.

Beefiness joints that melt well are:

Chuck and blade
The back of the animal nearest the head is often sold equally 'braising steak'. It sits above the brisket, and needs well over an hour of cooking to make it remotely tender. Await for whole pieces of plumage blade or chuck roast.

Rump roasts
This is a prime cutting frequently used to make steaks, only it isn't as tender equally sirloin.

Silvery side
Relatively lean and needs to be cooked in liquid if cooked every bit a articulation.

A cutting from the chest expanse that's unremarkably sold rolled. It's recommended for tiresome-cooking and braising as it has lots of connective tissue and fatty that needs to exist broken down, but it can become stringy if it'southward over-cooked. Some butchers will sell you a bone-in brisket.

Most often found at the butchers, this has an excellent flavor when cooked slowly. If it'south sold packaged, then it's usually marked as stewing steak.

Leg & shin
These cuts incorporate lots of connective tissue that runs through the meat in ribbons. The tissue breaks downward to create tender meat and a rich, sticky gravy. Expect for bone-in shin joints or rolled shin.

Beef ribs
Dorsum or short ribs cooked as a canvas have lots of connective tissue that cooks downward to a sticky, unctuous sauce. They aren't technically thought of as a joint, though.

beef joint with carrots in casserole dish

Employ the right cooking method

Braising or pot roasting

This involves cooking the articulation slowly in liquid that comes nigh a 3rd of the way up the meat. The joint is best browned in a frying pan first, as this volition add together extra flavour and colour to the outside of the meat. The pot you use needs to exist tightly sealed, and then choose 1 with a well-plumbing fixtures lid or add together a layer of foil betwixt the pot and lid to help seal it.


All-time cooked at 150-170C, recipes that require wearisome-roasting are trickier to control using a domestic oven. Brown the joint beginning to give it a chip of colour, cook information technology covered on low, then turn up the heat at the end to dark-brown the meat.


Brown the meat first, then put it in a deadening cooker with some thick slices of onion and carrot. Add enough liquid so it comes a little style up the articulation.

Cook information technology for long plenty

There's no signal endeavor to melt a beef joint to perfection without giving yourself enough time. It will take two or more hours depending on the cut you lot've chosen.

How to tell if it's ready

Button a fork into the meat then pull information technology out – it should slide in and out very hands.

plate with beef, gravy & vegetables

Simple fall-apart beef brisket recipe

Serves 6

  • 2kg beef brisket, neatly tied
  • oil, for browning
  • 1 big onion, cutting into thick slices
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 bay leaves
  • agglomeration fresh thyme
  • one beef stock pot or cube
  1. Rut oven to 150C/130C fan/gas 2. Season the brisket well. Add together a footling oil to a large frying pan and dark-brown the brisket all over.
  2. Put the onion slices in the base of a heavy goulash and put the brisket on top. Add the garlic and herbs effectually information technology.
  3. Add the stock pot and enough boiling h2o to come a third of the way up the meat (rinse out the frying pan with information technology to collect whatsoever balance season).
  4. Transfer the meat to the oven, cover with a hat and melt for vi hrs turning once or twice during cooking, until really tender.
  5. Lift out the beef, comprehend loosely with foil and leave to residue for fifteen mins while you simmer the gravy to reduce it a little.

Five fall-apart beef joints to try next:

Pot-roast beef with French onion gravy
This makes a perfect Dominicus articulation with a rich gravy and roast carrots.

Dull-cooker beef pot roast
Become out the slow cooker for this recipe, and then walk away for 6 hours.

Beer-braised short ribs
Beef ribs give a actually viscid effect when braised in this American-style recipe.

Pulled firecracker beef
Pull-autonomously beef with a smoky sauce to serve on wraps or with baked potatoes.

One-pot beef brisket & celery
Apply cerise wine to make a rich sauce for the beef in this recipe.

Other meat you can irksome melt until information technology falls apart:

This joint responds well to slow cooking as it has enough of fat on it. It's also economical as you can buy whole or one-half shoulders. Try our popular slow-roasted shoulder of lamb recipe.
Leg: Tin exist slow cooked until it falls apart, merely information technology's leaner than shoulder, so be careful not to dry out the meat by cooking it for likewise long.

Shoulder:This is a great joint for deadening roasting – simply make sure it's well sealed in the can equally information technology cooks to assist make it tender. Use pork shoulder for pulled pork.
Abdomen: A slab of abdomen can be cooked for hours to melting tenderness. Turn the heat upwardly at the end for a crisp, crunchy crackling – it'southward the best of both worlds!

Chicken, turkey and duck tin all be irksome-cooked to give a 'pull-apart' texture. A slow cooked roast chicken will near collapse off the bone as yous carve it.


Source: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/how-cook-beef-joint

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